What a wonderful way to Honor and celebrate a father in your life! Please join Anya and Kathlyn for a Magical Reiki and Harp Experience.
Anya is a yoga teacher, Holy Fire III Reiki Master, Karuna Master and sound healer. She is also a student of Alberto Viloldo, a world renowned shaman.
If you spot someone carrying an ammo trunk with "Caution: Harp" stickers, that is probably harpist and composer Kathlyn Kinney. Best known for her ghostly harmonies accomplished with a mix of looper pedal and concrete buildings, Kathlyn has honed her craft traveling in Kenya and Ghana, playing at bars and organizing secret concerts around Spokane, one of which involved a close brush with BNSF police. If she is ever arrested, Kathlyn hopes it is for playing her harp for world peace.
What to expect:
Kathlyn will sing and play the harp while Anya will lead you through grounding, setting an intention, a semi guided reiki meditation that will help you to heal your body and soul, followed by another guided meditation to help you heal and balance your 7 main chakras. During the meditation, Anya will place a practitioner’s rose quartz and gold gem-infused bowl on your heart chakra to bring another level of healing.
Kathlyn’s magical sounding voice and harp will help you achieve yet another level of relaxation to allow your body and soul to heal by moving from the Sympathetic into the Parasympathetic nervous system.
What to bring
Bring your mat, bolster, blanket, pillow, eye pillow, journal, pen and a water bottle. We do have mats and bolsters we can provide. Please wear comfortable clothes.
Please show up BEFORE event start time, doors will be locked promptly at start time.
All sales final and non transferrable to other events or yoga classes.